Wedding Week Countdown

The final week has arrived before your wedding! Below are some steps you should take to help calm your nerves and find some much needed pockets of peace.

  1. Pre-Wedding Date Night

    Grab your partner and head out to one of your favorite restaurants! The catch? Make a promise to each other that you won’t speak about the wedding at all. Although that might seem impossible, think of this as a short-term wedding cleanse before it’s back to full force. Not feeling like you want to go anywhere? Grab a board game and some wine, you’re all set!

  2. Final Meeting with your Wedding Planner

    This is so important! You wedding planner should walk you through the finalized timeline, answer any questions and/or concerns, and more importantly, reassure you that your wedding will be the most magical day.

  3. Write your Vows or Love Letter

    Brides and grooms tend to put this off to the last moment as they can’t find the time to take an hour or two and put their heart into it. Wake up early, grab some coffee, sit on your patio and enjoy writing out the most perfect words.

  4. Book a Spa Day

    This is self explanatory and more than likely, much needed. If you are only a few days away, stay away from facials as you defintiely don’t want a skin reaction to occur. Couple massages, pedicures, manicures are all safe bets!

  5. Hydrate, Hydrate, Hydrate!

    Water makes everything better! Especially your skin. And who doesn’t want to be a glowing bride? More than likely, you will be up early, on your feet all day, and being the most the perfect bride and groom. Staying hydrated will keep your energy levels up!


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