How to Incorporate a Pet into your Big Day

The most crucial aspect of planning a wedding is about deciding who you want to include in the big day. Preparing a guest list requires listing down the close family, friends, and acquaintances you want to include in your special day. When we have all the people we love together in one place, how can we leave out our furry friends behind? Although the concept of including the pets in the celebrations is fairly new, there are a few tips that could help you in the process.

1. Make Your pets a part of the ceremony

Having your pets as groomsmen and bridesmaids can be quite a sweet and fun way to include them on the wedding day. You can ask you wedding planner to include the pets as the flower girl or a ring bearer as well. If you want to go a step ahead, you can make them the officiant of your wedding.

2. Make them a part of the photo session

If your pet gets anxious around guests or if your guests have pet allergies, this method of including them in the celebrations is the best option. You can organize an amazing photo session with your furry friend on the wedding day. These photos are sure to be great memories of that day that you will always cherish.

3. Include YoUR pets in the reception

If you feel that the pets would not be able to stay through a long ceremony, it would be better to include them in the reception party after. You can include your pet in the first dance at the reception, or let them roam around and mingle with the guests at the party.

4. Make the wedding cake topper resembling the pet

If including the pets in any ceremonies seems out of the question, a subtle-sweet way to include them is in the cake toppers. This will create a sweet memory for the new couple, even if the pet is not present in the occasion physically.

5. Include the pets in the theme

If you want the pets to be an integral part of the ceremony without having them to be present there physically, this can be a great option. You can ask your planner to include cardboard cut-outs of the pet in the décor and include a photo of them on the welcome table. Another subtle option is to wear cufflinks or lockets featuring the pet.

6. Include them in the wedding invitations

Another way you can include them in the wedding celebration is by making them a part of the wedding invitations and save the dates that you send out to the guests. In this way, even when your furry friends are not physically present at the wedding, the guests know that they are an important part of your life and your future journey together.


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